Our Vision

Founded on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, and as witnessed by our Founders, St Joseph’s School is a caring community, committed to preparing all members to succeed through the promotion of Christian values from a Catholic tradition and the development of lifelong learning skills.

Mission: ‘Centred on Jesus Christ, we inspire and nurture our students to reach their full potential in a Catholic school community’.

Our Values: A Christ centred, Catholic Ethos

A commitment to learning

Care for the whole person (intellectual, spiritual, social, physical and emotional)

A commitment to a safe environment

Our Prayer

Dear Lord,

We ask you to bless St Joseph’s School Community.
We pray that you guide us to be just and to see, listen, speak and act like St Joseph.
May we be inspired by our Founders to be the best that we can be.
May we always keep Jesus at the centre of all we do.

St Emilie

Pray for us

St Marcellin

Pray for us

St Joseph

Pray for us

And may we always remember to pray for one another.

